Sunline Machinegun Cast Nylonlina Sunline Machinegun Cast Nylonlina


Sunline Machinegun Cast Nylonlina

199 kr
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Japansk kvalitets nylonlina från Sunline. 


Surface of the fishing line will be wounded by casting which takes place hundreds of times a day. Processed by「P-Ion」technology that Sunline is proud of, the surface is reinforced and the line brings users a different experience. Further, when the line comes out of guides, it feels almost no friction. The line casts smoothly without any breaks, and turns aiming at one point possible.
Different diameters have different designs. Due to the reason, focusing on low stretch becomes possible for small diameter lines. While the diameters become larger, getting better sense of spooling on reel has been prioritized and getting better experience has been realized.

Effective spool length of 150m with marking at 75m. (For 22lb・25lb・30lb the spool is 100m with marking at 50m)

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